Wednesday, August 6, 2014

IPSY August 2014 Sneak Peek!!

     Hi guys! I haven't been here in a few days but this morning I logged into my Ipsy account to see if that darn Too Faced Soleil bronzer was back in stock and even thought it wasn't I was happy anyway because Ipsy gave me an early peek into my August Glam Bag!!

     Enjoy my sneak peek, and I will be back when I receive my bag for a full break down! And remember, it's always a good time to join ipsy!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette

     Hi guys! I just wanted to quickly check in and share with you my thoughts on the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette. First things first, the packaging is super cute, the box is designed to look like a candy bar wrapper with the palette itself looking like a chocolate bar.

     I got mine a few days ago used it for the first time today, and I think it's amazing. Now, let's start by saying that I've had all three Urban Decay Naked palettes and thought they were decent... I really liked the shades and pigmentation but I avoided using them because of the fall out. I felt like every time I swiped or even dabbed a brush on the shades so much product would get dusted up, by the time I finished a look with them I'd have glitter and powder all over my face. The second issue I had with them was that if I used more than two or three shades there was almost no difference between them so I just had sort of a blob of eyeshadow look.

All of the shades are named after a type of chocolate

     When I was at Sephora looking into the Chocolate Bar, I really was not convinced about getting it until the sales lady told me that the fall out was next to none. The shades look amazing, very pigmented, and smell sooo delish, just like chocolate! So I thought to myself, what the heck, why not?? And bought it. I am truly impressed, I think this palette is amazing. It had absolutely no fall out that I could notice, blended amazingly and has shades that are very distinctive as well as versatile. I could use this palette for a smoky, bold, or neutral look. There are so many possible color combinations and this will definitely become my go to palette!

This is the look I wore today, 
I went with a very neutral look and only used two of the shades.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Yappem!! Does it work??

     So there's this app and it's called Yappem, and you are rewarded when you use it! Yappem allows you to earn coins that you can build up and then trade in for gift cards to spend and various selected stores. When I first heard of it, I completely dismissed the idea because who really pays the average person to use their app???  But then I gave in, and here's what I found.

     In a nut shell, Yappem is basically made for yapping about anything you want. There are so many categories; TV, entertainment, cooking, shopping, beauty, kids, you name it they've probably got a category for it, and what you do is yap (post) about whatever brands or items you've tried and fell in love with or hated. Yaps cam include moods and pictures, and when you yap (post), re-yap (re-post) other peoples yaps, complete super simple missions, check in, or comment and like other people's yaps, you receive coins. These coins build up and you are allowed to cash them in for gift cards to spend in stores or online. Just to name a few stores where you could receive a gift card to, Nike, Sephora, Foot Locker, Victoria's Secret, Amazon, GameStop, Old navy, and whole bunch more.

* The email I received led me to Gyft, where I could view my gift card *

     Yappem reminded me soooo much of Pinterest, which I love, so I decided to give it a try. When I started Yappem a week and a half ago, up until about 3 hours ago I was very skeptical as to whether it would work or not, but went on ahead anyway. Today I finally had enough coins to cash in for a $10 gift card to Sephora, and I did just that. I received a card number as well as a scannable bar code for an in-store purchase in my email and went on my merry way to Sephora to test it out. To my surprise, it worked!! So now I'll be yapping away trying to earn myself a $100 gift card!! If you have the time, give it a shot!  Follow the link, start yapping and earning gift cards!!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Loreal Voluminous Miss Manga

     For about a month I had been telling myself I wanted to try Loreal's Miss Manga mascara and I finally did, and I am so glad I did! I had been using the Better Than Sex mascara by Too faced and I will definitely be giving that one a break. 
     Now, in the commercials and ads put out by Loreal they show a sort of clumped up look, but that is not the way the mascara wore for me (this was a plus). So this is what my one coat of the Loreal Miss Manga looked like after wearing it for the day, might I mention a very very hot day, 100+ degrees hot.

     What initially caught my attention was the super cute packaging, because of course, I'm a sucker for packaging and it reminded me so much of the Fairydrops Mascara. What'll keep me using it is the overall formula, it doesn't smell too strong or come out in gunks, it dries rather quick so my eyelashes don't uncurl in the process, there was no flaking, and the fact that it stood up to this Arizona heat was a plus. 
     In addition to that, the applicator was amazingly flexible and the brush actually combed and separated my lashes. The price point is what will make it one of my daily users, at $6.99 I can afford to use it as much as I want to, especially when comparing it to the Too Faced BTS Mascara.
     I would definitely recommend this mascara to anyone looking to switch things up a bit or entirely replace what they're using now.